Episode 47. Water Rescue Dogs with Lynne Cox

While Lynne Cox is known to the world as an elite world-class swimmer who’s set open-water swimming records all over the world, she is also someone whose life has been shaped by the love of dogs and the lessons she has learned from dogs.

Lynne’s new book, Tales of Al – The Water Rescue Dog – The Making of a Canine Athlete, is a story of dreams, expectations, disappointments and courage. And if you’ve ever felt misunderstood, you might find a piece of yourself in Al’s story.

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Episode 46. Everything You Need to Know Before Using CBD for Your Dog with Angela Ardolino

As a Pet Cannabis Expert and expert in holistic health for pets, I have so many questions for Angela.

I’ve been hearing about using CBD – for both pets and people – for the last several years. In fact, my dog Penny takes it for arthritis. Some people swear that CBD has been a huge help for them or their dog. Some people think it’s snake oil. I didn’t always know what to believe or how to find a trustworthy product. I’ve had questions. And Angela answers all of them!

By the end of this episode, you’ll feel confident about how to choose a high-quality CBD product to benefit your dog and understand why CBD is recommended for so many different health issues.

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Episode 45. Does what we feed our dogs affect their behavior? with Tamara Tokash

Tamara joins us bringing her wealth of knowledge and lifetime of experience about what it means to have a happy, healthy dog in mind, body and spirit.

Tamara shares her journey with us and how her career taken her from learning about training, obedience, behavior to canine nutrition, health and wellness. I love the idea of looking at our dogs holistically in this way.

Tamara also shares the story of Sammy, her rescued laboratory beagle, who is memorialized in the book “Blessed,” the children’s book Tamara wrote in his honor.

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Episode 44. Children, Trauma & the Healing Power of Dogs with Natalie Keegan

After witnessing firsthand, the difference that the love of a dog made in her son’s life, Natalie decided to learn even more about dogs by becoming a dog trainer.

Seeing the power to connect her professional work with children with her dog training skills, Natalie founded the Kids-4-K9s organization and was awarded a prestigious Open Society Institute fellowship to launch her program in schools. Kids-4-K9s has a mission to teach compassion in everyday interactions between people and companion animals.

If you have a high school-aged child in the Baltimore area, they can even learn from Natalie at the Kids-4-K9s Summer Camp at the Baltimore Humane Society.

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Episode 43. Laboratory Dogs Rescued: From Test Subjects to Beloved Companions with Ellie Hansen

From leaving New Jersey to start a new life – and a holistic dog boutique – in Montana to history, science and technology, Ellie and I cover a lot of ground in this episode.

Ellie’s life was forever changed when she was scrolling on social media one morning and saw a video that shook her to her core. This was a video showing laboratory testing on beagles. A beagle owner herself, Ellie was horrified and decided she was going to do something about this.

Ellie’s book, Laboratory Dogs Rescued: From Test Subjects to Beloved Companions, takes a look through the past, the present and the future of the use of animals in research. In the second half of the book, we hear from the organizations rescuing these dogs and many heart-warming stories from the adopters of beagles rescued from laboratories.

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Episode 42. Do You Love Traveling? And Helping Animals? With Marta Negro of Help The Dog Fly

Marta Negro is one of the bravest and coolest people that I’ve ever met and I can’t wait for you to hear her story.

Leaving at the end of 2019 to embark a solo adventure around the world, Marta hitchhiked her way through Poland and worked as a tour guide in Russia before landing in Thailand to volunteer at an animal rescue helping Thai street dogs. On her first day at the rescue, Marta fell in love with a little dog named Teaspa who really needed some TLC. Marta knew she had to bring Teaspa home with her to Scotland and made a promise to Teaspa that she was now Marta’s dog.

Unfortunately, Marta happened to meet Teaspa in March of 2020. And there were some major things happening in the world. Marta had to make the heart-breaking decision to leave Teaspa behind in Thailand temporarily.

While Marta spent months trying to figure out how to get Teaspa from Thailand to Europe, she discovered there was not one central clearinghouse for pet owner or travelers to coordinate. So she decided to create it. And Help The Dog Fly was born.

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Episode 41. Keeping Your Dog Safe in the Car with Paweenudh Suanpan of Dogs Ride Certified

It’s not an exaggeration for me to say that the information in this episode could save your dog’s life.

After a terrible accident, Paweenduh (you can call her “P” for short) found her purpose and has dedicated her life to raising awareness about keeping your dog safe in the car with dog seatbelts with Dogs Ride Certified.

By the end of this episode, you will know what the safest products are for your dog, where to find them and how to use them.

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Episode 40. Taking Down Animal Abusers and Breast Cancer with April Doherty

April Doherty has dedicated her career to seeing that animal abusers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As a paralegal with the Baltimore County State’s Attorney Office for the past 18 years, April shares her experiences witnessing animal abuse and neglect cases being taken more seriously by all players in the criminal justice system. April’s impressive resume also includes training and educating law enforcement – both home and abroad! We also about the emotional toll that this work can take and why self-care is so important.

April also opens up about being diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2020. Her vulnerable social media sharing about this journey are helping women – including me! – with processing all the emotions that come from facing this diagnosis and learning to live this next chapter of life.

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Episode 36. Aligning Your Heart With Your Career with Kristin von Kreisler

Today we’re welcoming award-winning, bestselling author Kristin von Kreisler to the podcast. A lifelong animal lover – and animal empathizer! – Kristin’s life was forever changed one night when she stumbled upon a terrified beagle in need of assistance. Naming her Bea, Kristin made it her mission to show love and patience to this pup who had never experienced life outside of a cage.

Several years later, the tables were turned and Bea helped Kristin get through the hardest time in her life. And through this experience with Bea, Kristin made it her mission to change the focus of her career to align with her heart and focus her writing on animals.

Kristin is with us today to share her newest book, A Reason for Hope is about a woman's fight for justice and a courthouse dog who comforts and supports her.

It was a true honor and pleasure to speak with Kristin.


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