Get your dog health journal today!

Feeling like your day is scheduled around your dog right now?

Or maybe you know something isn’t 100% right with
your dog, but you aren’t sure what?

Your pup can’t just say what’s wrong . . .
but they’re trying to tell you with their
behavior and body language.

The Dog Health Journal is a system designed to help you track changes in your dog
and communicate this vital information to your veterinarian.

THIS saved my dog’s hearing.

Meet penny.

In May 2020, Penny was prescribed a common medication for an ear infection. Penny had an extremely rare but very serious ototoxicity reaction.

First I noticed that she slept through the postal carrier’s daily visit. Then she didn’t greet me at the door when I got home.

Something wasn’t right.

I turned to my Dog Health Journal and made the connection between her starting the ear medicine and the fact that she wasn’t acting like herself.

I called our veterinarian and they told me to immediately stop using the medication due to this unusual reaction.

If I hadn’t created this daily journal system, I know Penny would have permanently lost her hearing.

Take control of your dog’s health and your schedule.

Since our dogs can’t talk, it’s our job as Pet Parents to listen to what they’re telling us through their behavior and body language. This is especially true when it comes to their health. The Dog Health Journal was created for Pet Parents concerned about their dog’s health.

Created and designed by a Dog Mom who’s experienced cancer, allergies, autoimmune disorders and mystery illnesses in her dogs over the past 20 years, the Dog Health Journal helps you organize your dog’s day and makes it easy to record crucial information for you and your veterinarian. So you never miss something critical...and can truly work with your vet to find the solution to your pup not being themselves.