Episode 109. Holiday Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Dog Behavior Challenges (for the Holidays & Beyond!) with Juliana DeWillems

Holiday Giving Campaign: Let’s help Cara Achterberg (Episode 75)  provide her newest book Who Will Let the Dogs Out: Stories & Solutions for FREE to America’s shelters and rescues!

What If you could solve your dog’s biggest behavior challenge TODAY? Dog trainer Juliana DeWillems says that while immediate results usually aren’t possible in dog training – they can be when we use management techniques. 

In her new book Manage It! Hacks for Improving Your Dog’s Behavior, Juliana shares how us Pet Parents can easily solve many of our dog’s behavior challenges by changing our environment.  

Juliana explains different approaches to managing our dog’s behavior when greeting holiday visitors at your home as well as dealing with reactive dogs.  Her book even includes charts, worksheets, photos and videos (via QR code) to help you find the best hacks for your unique home, life and challenges.

We’ll discuss the difference between training and management – and when to use each one (or both!).   Juliana & I also share some of our favorite management tools and techniques that we use with our own dogs.

Juliana & I discuss:

  • Her background and career path;

  • What does it mean to “manage” your dog’s behavior?

  • The difference between training and management;

  • How to decide whether to use training,  management or both;

  • Management tips for the holidays – people visiting your home;

  • Tips for managing your dog’s reactivity;

  • Common tools to adjust your environment;

  • Our expectations for our dogs;

  • Favorite management tips,  tools & techniques

Where to Find Juliana & “Manage It!”

Management Tools & Links Discussed:

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