Episode 31. Erika Kovacs with Pinups for Pit Bulls.

Episode 31. Erika Kovacs with Pinups for Pit Bulls.

A lifelong dog-lover, Erika is one firecracker of a Dog Mom. Erika is a vet tech by day and spends her free time advocating for pit bull dogs with the Pinups for Pit Bulls organization. Ericka even modeled in the Pinups for Pit Bulls 2020 calendar…as Miss March 2020 … or Miss COVID!  But Erika shares with us how she was able to redeem herself in the 2022 “Greatest Pits” edition of the calendar.

Erika has so much to share about her experiences as a Dog Mom including Hogan’s leash reactivity and everything she’s done to improve this behavior over time.  Plus, we discuss life as pit bull owners & advocates, from the pressure we put on ourselves to have the “perfect” breed ambassador dogs to everything we’ve learned about advocating and breed discrimination to dealing with other people’s reactions to our dogs.

Make sure to follow Erika on her always entertaining Instagram where she shares the adventures of her pit bull dogs, Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Erlenmeyer Flask.

Erika & I discuss:

  • Growing up with a puppy and how Erika always knew she wanted to work with animals;

  • Erika’s experiences with seal & turtles – oh my!

  • How Erin’s husband, Tim, once saved a turtle;

  • How Erika & her husband decided to adopt their first dog, Hogan  - and which came first, the name or the dog?

  • Feeling like an underdog when you’re growing up;

  • Having a leash reactive dog and why muzzle training is a good thing;

  • The pressure many pit bull owners feel to have the perfect breed ambassador dog;

  • Adopting a puppy during COVID-19;

  • The Pinups for Pit Bulls Calendar Shoot Experience;

  • How Erika was “Miss COVID” and how she redeemed herself in the 2022 Greatest Pits Calendar;

  • The work of the Pinups for Pit Bulls organization;

  • The many problems with Breed Specific Legislation;

  • How to put your emotions aside to advocate for your dog even though it feels so personal;

  • Planning a dog-friendly wedding;

  • Working in a vet hospital during COVID-19

Where to find Pinups for Pit Bulls and Erika, Hogan & Earl:

Links Discussed:

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