— I believe a dog can be a healer, a teacher and an inspiration.
— Erin Scott

Say Hi to Your Dog for Me!
Hi, I’m Erin. My dogs - past & present - have been the greatest healers, teacher and inspirations in my life.
I’m here to share with you everything I’ve learned along the way — and am still learning!
My mission is for you to know that you’re never alone as a Pet Parent — even in the hard times too.
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Latest Episodes
Have you ever struggled with your dog’s reactivity?
Whether your dog is reactive to other dogs, people or something in the environment, Grisha Stewart’s Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) may be what you’ve been looking for to help your dog lead a more comfortable life.
Grisha shares with us the principles of BAT and how BAT is based on positive reinforcement, but without the use of food. Focusing on resiliency and empowering your dog, BAT builds your dog’s confidence, communication and trust.
I’ve spent a lot of time (and money!) over the past year trying numerous different online dog training platforms. While many of them have great information, not all of them worked well for me.
Today I’m sharing the 4 factors you should know before choosing an online dog training class and my top 5 favorite online learning platforms.
Do you have goals for your dogs in 2025?
In this solo episode, Erin shares:
My complicated relationship with the concept of goal setting;
The goals I’ve had for my dogs over the past 20 years … before Nessie;
How I feel about setting goals for my dogs today; and
The goals I have for my dogs in 2025.
I’m also sharing the experience Nessie & I had when we dipped our toe into the world of dogs sports with our Odor Recognition Test - and whether or not we’ll continue on with nose work titles.
What’s more important to you: What your dog does? Or how your dog feels? This question is at the core of Andrew Hale’s Dog Centered Care approach.
An emerging thought leader in the dog training world, Andrew draws on his background in human psychology to place empathy and a deep understanding of a dog’s emotional experience at the heart of his work.
You might want to have a notebook handy as Andrew breaks down concepts for us such as: his “safety first” protocol, his Learn – Support – Teach mantra, and how the 3 A’s of psychology relate to dog training.
Rita Hogan, the Canine Herbalist, has so much wisdom to share with us. From being raised on a rural farm to running a holistic pug rescue, Rita has dedicated her life to practicing western herbal medicine for pets and people.
For many of us, essential oils are a common form of herbal remedies that we’re familiar with. But Rita shares with us why essential oils should NOT be your first choice for healing – and what to use instead.
Rita also discusses her wholistic perspective on the treatment of anxiety in dogs – giving us a sample of what to expect from her new book, The Herbal Dog, which covers herbal approaches to healing 20+ common conditions in dogs.
Want to give your dog the best year ever? Let your dog be a dog with more canine enrichment activities in their lives!
Taylor shares with us that canine enrichment isn’t just Kong recipes – it’s so much more! Taylor’s new book, The Happiest Dog on the Block: Canine Enrichment Activities to Keep Your Dog Young & Healthy, is packed with fun and easy activities that are also backed by scientific research.
Taylor even tells us how to choose or modify enrichment activities for puppies and senior dogs, as well as fearful or reactive dogs.
Have you ever wondered if you’re making the “right” decisions for your dog during an injury or illness?
All Michelle Slater ever wanted was to have a dog of her own with whom she felt a special connection and bond. And her German Shepherd, Brady, was that dog.
However, after a rollercoaster of adventures, Brady was struck with a life-threatening illness at only 5 years old.
Michelle turns to animal communication to guide her – with Brady’s input – to make the best decisions for his health during this scary time. And Brady’s profound messages are lessons for all of us.
If you’re anything like me, you enjoy shopping for other people but have a more difficult time telling people what they should get you. This episode will give you plenty of ideas for your Holiday Wish List (and your dog!), no matter where you are in your Pet Parent journey.
What If you could solve your dog’s biggest behavior challenge TODAY? Dog trainer Juliana DeWillems says that while immediate results usually aren’t possible in dog training – they can be when we use management techniques.
In her new book Manage It! Hacks for Improving Your Dog’s Behavior, Juliana shares how us Pet Parents can easily solve many of our dog’s behavior challenges by changing our environment.
We’ll discuss the difference between training and management – and when to use each one (or both!). Juliana & I also share some of our favorite management tools and techniques that we use with our own dogs.
In this solo episode, Erin is celebrating one year since their family adopted Nessie – which hasn’t always gone according to plan.
Erin shares the story of how Nessie joined their family and what she wishes they had done differently in the meet & greet process.
Erin also reveals what Nessie has taught her – not just about training dogs but about herself, too. And this lesson might be something you’ve never heard before.